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  • ACHEMA booth

ACHEMA 2018: Dürr presents digital marketplace LOXEO and Ecopure® RTO to help meet more stringent emission limits

Bietigheim-Bissingen, 18 July 2018 – Virtual insights into air pollution control equipment, the digital marketplace LOXEO, and the latest version of the Ecopure® RTO – a wide range of cutting-edge technologies were presented by Dürr at ACHEMA, June 11-15, 2018 in Frankfurt. Furthermore, visitors to the booth showed great interest in possible modernizations of existing systems to achieve compliance for future stricter emission limits.

Digitization was the central topic for Dürr at this year’s ACHEMA, the world forum and technology summit for the chemical processing industry. “As in many other industries, the digital transformation is a big challenge for chemical companies. In addition, the industry is facing increasing competitive pressure from Asia, concerns about rising energy prices, and stricter environmental regulations in the future. Since our technical innovations and services presented addressed these concerns, our visitor’s responses were very positive and the trade show was a total success for us,” reports Quirin Erbschwendner, Vice President Sales & Marketing of Dürr’s Clean Technology Systems division.

 LOXEO, the digital marketplace for Dürr customers, offers everything needed to use machine data and was one of the technologies highlighted at the show. Emissions, energy, time, and materials can be reduced using structured data from networked systems and machines. Complex production processes become transparent when using intelligent system and performance analyses. Thus it becomes possible to identify potential for improvement and solve problems before they occur. A good example of this is preventative maintenance. The solutions available with LOXEO predict when a component needs to be replaced. By doing so, customers prevent a system failure and associated downtimes.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted from many production processes in the chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. The planned amendment of the German “Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control” (TA Luft) regulation is expected to significantly reduce the previous VOC emissions limit. The newest version of the Ecopure® RTO, presented by Dürr at ACHEMA, reliably and economically reaches the anticipated future emissions limit of 5 mg/m3. This air pollution control system, a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO), is so efficient that it easily reaches 99.8% Destruction Efficiency (DRE).

An important topic on the minds of operators of existing systems at ACHEMA was the anticipated lowering of the VOC emissions limit due to TA Luft. To clarify if an existing system can be modernized to meet the future emissions limits, extensive expertise is needed. Clean Technology Systems, the environmental technology division of Dürr has over 50 years of experience in the industry making Dürr the best partner for your air pollution control equipment. Through the acquisition of Luft- und Thermotechnik Bayreuth GmbH (LTB) in 2013 and KBA-CleanAir in 2016 Dürr Clean Technology Systems further expanded its expertise.

With more than 4,000 air pollution control systems worldwide, Clean Technology Systems is the international market leader. The knowledge gained from their extensive experience is key for global aftermarket services including planning and implementation of modifications that allow existing systems to meet future emissions limits.

Visitors to Dürr’s booth had the opportunity to experience the complexity of air pollution control systems in a completely new way. HoloLens glasses provided comprehensive insights into the interior of the systems allowing viewers to see and understand even the smallest details in their original size.

  • A virtual tour of an air pollution control system