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Buyer - Fabrication

Dürr Systems Inc., De Pere, 米国

Your Tasks:

  • Responsible for managing Request for Proposal/Request for Quote process for custom fabrication and field installation or repair services to be provided by subcontractors. Common examples of fabrication include structural fames, stairs & platforms, stacks, ductwork and dampers. Examples of services include Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer installation or repairs, ductwork installation and electrical work.
  • This includes generating complete bid documents for issuance as RFQs to bidders, providing answers to all bidders for any questions that occur during the bid cycle, reviewing bids and creating pricing comparison summaries, coordinating and documenting clarification meetings with potential subcontractor/suppliers, and negotiating final pricing.
  • Create Purchase Orders in SAP, maintain SAP data and reports as needed
  • Lead supplier evaluation efforts and negotiate supplier agreements. Build strong relationships with suppliers and conduct reviews of performance.
  • Research and develop new suppliers to improve supplier base. Develop relationships with network of suppliers and manage the material delivery schedules to ensure on-time execution and superior quality.
  • Negotiate with suppliers to support purchasing goals of lowest possible cost balanced against optimum quality, scheduling needs and on time delivery.
  • Attend and support purchasing department and project related meetings
  • Travel to supplier and job sites as required to support on-site project team with purchasing issues and functions
  • Drive supplier performance to meet and exceed requirements and expectations
  • Assist on an as needed basis to investigate and resolve supplier claims and payment discrepancies.
  • Communicate requirements and updates to internal customers, and interface with Project Management and Shop personnel to provide order status updates.
  • Maintain running log of backorders and continuously review for expedite and alternative sourcing solutions, in support of critical customer requirements
  • Provide backup to colleagues in other areas of Purchasing for other categories and perform other duties as assigned.

Your Skills:

  • Knowledge of fabrication processes including welding, cutting, forming and assembly.
  • Knowledge of construction and installation requirements preferred.
  • Experience with engineering drawings and technical documents (i.e. layout, sectional drawings)
  • Demonstrated experience in sourcing complex materials and services.
  • Strong negotiation skills.
  • Communication skills -- Capable of facilitating and documenting meetings. Effective written and verbal communication with internal business partners and external suppliers.
  • Good organization and time management skills ability to work on multiple projects and priorities simultaneously
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications. (Excel, Word, Outlook, Teams)
  • Experience with SAP is preferred
  • Strategic thinker. Looks beyond first cost to optimize Total Cost of Ownership in developing sourcing strategies
  • Ability to develop RFQ/RFPs including development of requirements & statements of work. Ability to develop supplier selection criteria and the secure alignment with stakeholder groups.
  • Ability to create and interpret supplier contracts. Works with members of Legal team on an as needed basis.
  • Ability to prepare financial assessments and present award recommendations.
  • Ability to create and implement plans to correct supplier performance issues
  • Self-motivated and able to exercise good judgment, make sound decisions, take accountability and operate with minimal supervision.
  • Be seen by others as having a high degree of credibility and expertise with the ability to lead up, down and across functional areas.
  • Motivated, self-starting individual capable of executing assigned tasks and solving problems in a professional manner

    Education and Experience

  • Experience with steel fabrication and custom equipment manufacturing.
  • 3+ years of Purchasing experience desirable.
  • Associate's or Bachelor's degree in Manufacturing, Engineering, Business or Supply Chain field preferred.

