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Is your inlet and exhaust equipment in need of expert inspection?

When it comes to keeping gas turbine inlet and exhaust equipment in peak condition while also ensuring it withstands the test of time, it’s often best to call in the experts for close inspection. Dürr Universal provides both courtesy and full, engineered inspections, complete with “course of treatment” recommendations aimed at getting ailing systems back to health.

A courtesy inspection is a free, high-level review of the general condition of the inlet and/or exhaust equipment with photos and suggested repairs. A full, engineered inspection is a paid, detailed assessment of inlet and/or exhaust system condition. It includes a comprehensive engineering report that details the condition of the equipment inspected and suggests repairs and upgrades. Dürr Universal can also provide typical work scopes and schedules to restore a customer’s equipment to peak performance and safety.

“A courtesy inspection is a great way to identify equipment issues, while introducing our capabilities and expertise to prospective customers,” said Jim Mitchell, Sales Director at Dürr Universal. “Many times, after the courtesy inspection, customers choose to explore a full inspection to assure all critical component issues are checked and documented.”

When inspecting inlet and exhaust systems, the Dürr Universal team seeks to answer a few key questions before embarking on the comprehensive inspection procedure. What is the current baseline condition? What is in need of immediate attention? What have the plant operating teams noticed or documented? Are any parts missing or disconnected? Is there exhaust system debris present around the stack?

Generally, neglected inlet or exhaust components that are 20 years old or older are the primary reason customers seek out an inspection. Plants today have fewer technicians and maintenance staff to provide timely preventative care and inspections. At the same time, plants are running more often than in previous years, causing more wear and tear. Inspection reports can help the plant justify capital funds requests and determine baseline condition to best prioritize repair projects.

The most inspected equipment on the intake side includes:

The most inspected equipment on the exhaust side includes:

Quick fixes can often lead to issues. For example, liner sheets and internal components are deigned to move with thermal cycles. Oftentimes, these parts are welded into a rigid state, causing steel buckling. Dürr Universal’s inspection team can identify and remedy these types of oversights. Remember, a neglected unit can cause very expensive unplanned outages.

Full inspections require two to four weeks lead time, depending on outage schedule and technician availability. Courtesy inspections can be completed quicker, as they are conducted by regionally based business development managers.

“An inspection can help companies avoid significant failures that lead the unplanned outages,” said Mitchell. “They can also catch system deficiencies that may lead to increased backpressure and safety concerns from steel components being ejected from the stack. In addition, inlet system issues can lead to turbine failure caused by the turbine ingesting debris.”

Dürr Universal’s inspection team can also measure the sound levels of current systems while they are operating at full load and compare them to known baseline values. This sometimes results in measurements that are beyond local sound levels. The team can also perform structural analysis and external hot-spot mapping with a thermal imaging camera to show where liner structure failure is occurring.

When the inspection is complete, customers receive a report containing baseline system conditions, suggested replacements for worn component/systems and retrofit options. Complete budget prices and lead time estimates are also available after the inspection is complete.

Dürr Universal’s inspection services are just a sampling of what its knowledgeable team can do to help keep customer’s assets operating at peak efficiency. Its full, in-house capabilities include engineering design, structural steel design/analysis, CFD modeling, ISO manufacturing, installation and repair services, and full acoustical analysis. The dedicated project management team will ensure all inlet and exhaust projects are completed on time and on budget.

Managing gas turbines is challenging, especially as older units are being asked to operate longer than ever. Dürr Universal is a one-stop shop, offering full-service asset management for inlet and exhaust systems, and takes “custody” of the air going into and out of the turbine, ensuring it’s managed in the most efficient way.

For more information about inspection services, contact Jim Mitchell at james.mitchell@durrusa.com.

James Mitchell
Director, Sales and Business Development
Durr Universal, Inc.
1925 Highway 51 - 138
53589 Stoughton, WI
United States