Immagini e video del gruppo Dürr
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Dürr has developed a highly efficient adapter for filling air conditioning systems. Not only does it operate at a much higher filling speed, but it also reduces the amount of refrigerant remaining in the adapter after the filling process by up to 80%. As a result a much smaller amount of hydrocarbon-bearing material needs to be used. This helps to cut material costs - and on top of this reduces emissions to the environment.

Regenerative thermal oxidizers use less primary energy compared to conventional air pollution control systems. This is achieved through the use of regenerative heat exchangers, which are highly efficient at using the energy contained in the hot exhaust gases to preheat the exhaust air to be treated.

Sorpt.X – VOC-Concentrator is a continuous adsorption process with downstream thermal or catalytic oxidation stage. With regard to the cost/benefit ratio, it is particularly advantageous for treating large volume flow rates combined with low pollutant burdens that would be uneconomical to treat directly.

The Catalytic filter element concept is a combined technology for dedusting, desulphurisation and denitrification through the use of Catalysed Candle Filter (CF) filter cartridges. These enable the simultaneous cleaning of dusts, heavy metals, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in one system.
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74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen