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Dürr Supplier Awards

The Dürr Supplier Awards are presented as part of the Open House in Bietigheim-Bissingen. So far, Dürr's suppliers have been awarded three times in different categories.

Supplier Award 2019

At the Supplier Day on May 13, 2019 as part of the in-house fair “Open House”, Dürr honored its best suppliers with the Dürr Group Supplier Award for the third time. Awards were presented in the categories “Quality & Reliability”, “Innovation & Technology”, “Smart & Digital”, “Value Creating”, and “Newcomer”. The Dürr Supplier Award has been presented at the Open House since 2014.

In the category “Quality & Reliability”, the prize was awarded to Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH. The company from Saarwellingen was honored as a particularly reliable, long-term and cooperative supplier of Dürr Assembly Products in Püttlingen.

For “Innovation & Technology”, the award went to the Institute of Microelectronics in Stuttgart, which provides highly innovative product solutions. The long-standing partner is continuously advancing Dürr along the path of innovation.

To mark this year’s motto of the Open House – “Smart up your plant”– the special award “Smart & Digital” was presented.

The award winner ISG (Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH) has been a partner of Homag GmbH for 25 years and develops complex software solutions for woodworking processing machines.

KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH received the “Value Creating” prize. The company from Eslohe, which supplies conveyor system chains, supported product optimization with innovative ideas.

In the “Newcomer” category, the award went to Minh Cuong from Vietnam. The structural steelwork supplier worked for Dürr for the first time on the Vinfast project and impressed with its outstanding production quality.

Participants in the Supplier Day and nominated for the Dürr Supplier Award 2019 were the selected 31 best suppliers of the company. The nominations were made by the Global Sourcing Board (GSB) in consultation with the individual departments. A maximum of 31 suppliers were nominated.

The winners of the Dürr Group Supplier Award

From left to right/front to back:
Roman Molitor, Managing Director Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH
Jörg Tabellion, Sales Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH
Dr. Florian Letzkus, Head of MEMS Technologies Business Unit IMS
Stephan Schmiel, Head of Assembly Technology IMS
Dr. Dieter Scheifele, Managing Director Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
Roland Beeh, Head of Dept. for Control Technology Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
Ansgar Wulf, Managing Director KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH
Damian Delmer, Strategic Purchasing/Project Buying Dürr Systems AG
Jürgen Dörfeldt, Vice President Purchasing Dürr Systems AG
Rüdiger Nikolay, Purchasing Dürr Assembly Products GmbH
Tanja Wetzig, Director Purchasing and Logistics Dürr Assembly Products GmbH
Achim Götzenberger, Manager of Purchasing Global Sourcing Dürr Systems AG
Alan Hresc, Purchasing Dürr Systems AG
Benjamin Mahl, Manager Purchasing Dürr Systems AG
Holger Köbe, Strategic Purchasing Commodities Dürr Systems AG
Johannes Kremer, KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH
Matthias Wennagel, Director Strategic Purchasing Homag GmbH
Maike Dust, Strategic Purchasing/Project Buying Dürr Systems AG

All nominees at Dürr

Category "Quality and Reliability”

The winner in the category “Quality & Reliability” is Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH: (from left to right)
Rüdiger Nikolay, Purchasing Dürr Assembly Products GmbH
Roman Molitor, Managing Director Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH
Jörg Tabellion, Sales Aditor, Allard und Molitor GmbH
Tanja Wetzig, Director Purchasing and Logistics Dürr Assembly Products GmbH

Category "Innovation & Technology“

In the category “Innovation & Technology”, the prize went to the Institute for Microelectronics in Stuttgart (from left to right)
Alan Hresc, Purchasing Dürr Systems AG
Stephan Schmiel, Head of Assembly Technology IMS
Dr. Florian Letzkus, Head of MEMS Technologies Business Unit IMS
Benjamin Mahl, Manager Purchasing Dürr Systems AG

Category "Smart & Digital“

The “Smart & Digital” award was presented to Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH (from left to right)
Roland Beeh, Head of Dept. for Control Technology Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
Dr. Dieter Scheifele, Managing Director Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
Matthias Wennagel, Director Strategic Purchasing Homag GmbH

Category "Value Creating“

KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH won in the category “Value Creating” (from left to right)
Jürgen Dörfeldt, Vice President Purchasing Dürr Systems AG
Ansgar Wulf, Managing Director KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH
Johannes Kremer, KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH
Holger Köbe, Strategic Purchasing Commodities Dürr Systems AG

Selection procedure

The selection criteria included the Supplier Ratings of recent years and the assessment benchmarks of the individual categories.

Supplier base

  • Only product-related material/services/IT
  • Only suppliers of the German Dürr locations
  • Only A/B suppliers (if rated)
  • No competitors/blacklisted suppliers

Supplier Awards 2016

The Dürr Supplier Awards 2016 were offered in the three categories Global Partner, Quality & Reliability, and Innovation & Technology with a total of 32 nominated suppliers. The nominations of suppliers were made by the Global Sourcing Board (GSB) in coordination with different Dürr departments. The recipient of the Quality & Reliability award was Mecawel spol. s r.o., which is the largest single supplier to the HOMAG Group and has been reliably supplying assemblies, individual components and complete machines for some 25 years. This makes the company from Nekor, Czech Republic, one of the HOMAG's key partners.

Minimax GmbH & Co. KG from Bad Oldesloe, Germany, received the Global Partner award. This globally operating supplier of fire protection systems for paint shops and buildings meets Dürr’s international requirements in an outstanding way. In the Innovation & Technology category the award went to KEBA AG. This company from Linz, Austria, is an innovative development partner assisting Dürr with high-performance control technology for the new generation of robots.

Winners of the Dürr Supplier Awards

From left to right:
Petr Hubálek (Managing Director, MECAWEL spol. s r.o.)
Milan Bělina (Managing Director, MECAWEL spol. s r.o.)
Peter Kögl (Key Account Manager Industrial Automation, KEBA  AG)
Thomas Linde (Executive Vice President Industrial Automation, KEBA  AG)
Leszek Puhaczewski (Head of Competence Center Automotive, Minimax Fire Solutions International GmbH)
Thilo Lindau (Head of Division Industry, Minimax GmbH & Co. KG)
Thorsten Westphal (Head of Business Unit Machine Protection, Minimax Fire Solutions International GmbH)

All Nominees at Dürr

Ralph Heuwing, CFO of Dürr AG (first in the first row) with all nominees, heads of purchasing and the lead buyers of Dürr in front of the headquarter in Bietigheim-Bissingen.

Category „Quality & Reliability“

The winner in the category „Quality and Reliability” is MECAWEL spol. s r.o.: (from left)
Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr)
Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr)
Petr Hubálek (Managing Director, MECAWEL spol. s r.o.), Milan Bělina (Managing Director, MECAWEL spol. s r.o.),
Gerhard Maser (Manager Strategic Sourcing, Homag)
Bernd Bok (Vice President Strategic Sourcing, Homag)

Category „Global Partner“

In the category „Global Partner“ Minimax GmbH & Co. KG received  the award:
(from left)
Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr)
Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr)
Thorsten Westphal (Head of Business Unit Machine Protection, Minimax Fire Solutions International GmbH)
Thilo Lindau (Head of Division Industry, Minimax GmbH & Co. KG)
Leszek Puhaczewski (Head of Competence Center Automotive, Minimax Fire Solutions International GmbH)
Marcel Wolfer (Lead Buyer, Dürr)
Jürgen Dörfeldt (Vice President Purchasing, Dürr)

Category „Innovation & Technology“

KEBA AG won the award in the category „Innovation & Technology“:
(from left)
Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr)
Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr)
Thomas Linde (Executive Vice President Industrial Automation, KEBA  AG)
Peter Kögl (Key Account Manager Industrial Automation, KEBA  AG)
Thomas Hoffmann (Lead Buyer, Dürr)
Wolfgang Haas (Senior Manager Purchasing, Dürr)

Selection procedure

The nomination of partially based on the supplier assessments of the previous years which look at factors such as quality, service, and delivery reliability. In addition, Dürr drew up assessment benchmarks for the individual categories in the awards:

Supplier base

  • Only production-related equipment / services
  • Only suppliers of the German Dürr locations
  • Only A-Supplier for categories of “Quality & Reliability” and “Global Partner”, A-/B-Suppliers (if rated) in for the category “Innovation & Technology”
  • No competitive / black-listed suppliers 

Supplier Award 2014

In 2014, Dürr has honored its best suppliers with the Dürr Supplier Awards for the first time. The Dürr Supplier Awards were offered in the three categories Global Partner, Quality & Reliability, and Innovation & Technology with a total of 32 nominated suppliers. The nominations of suppliers were made by the Global Sourcing Board (GSB) in coordination with different Dürr departments.

In the Global Partner category the prize went to Sova Liberec s.r.o. from the Czech Republic. This system supplier of pipework is a reliable partner for engineering, delivery and installation on many of Dürr’s construction sites worldwide.

Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH received the award for Quality & Reliability. This European subsidiary of the Japanese company supplies transmissions for painting robots. It won because of its excellent quality and fast response times even during the trading problems in the aftermath of the reactor disaster in Fukushima.

Sensitec GmbH from Germany won the award for “Innovation & Technology”. This supplier of measurement technology systems for balancing machines supplies Dürr with innovative, highly precise sensors.

Winners of the Dürr Supplier Award

The winners of the Dürr Supplier Award together with Dürr’s heads of purchasing and lead buyers: (from left to right) Daniel Obladen (Sales Engineer, Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH), Rolf Bullinger (Lead Buyer, Dürr), Marcus Löw (Manager Sales Department, Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH), Achim Götzenberger (Senior Manager Global Sourcing, Dürr), Wolfgang Haas (Senior Manager Purchasing, Dürr), Dr. Rolf Slatter (Managing Director, Sensitec GmbH), Christian Haastert (Director Purchasing and Materials Logistics, Schenck RoTec), Uwe Stock (Manager Sales Office North West Germany, Sensitec GmbH), Masakazu Kurita (General Manager, Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH), Jürgen Dörfeldt (Vice President Purchasing, Dürr), Josef Prskavec (Project Manager, Sova Liberec s.r.o.), Ondřej Ŝkorpil (CEO, Sova Liberec s.r.o.) and Günter Schuster (Lead Buyer, Dürr).

All Nominees at Dürr

Ralph Heuwing, CFO of Dürr AG (third in the first row), with all the nominees, the heads of purchasing and the lead buyers of Dürr in front of the headquarters in Bietigheim-Bissingen.

Category “Quality & Reliability“

The winner in the category „Quality and reliability” is Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH: (from left to right) Wolfgang Haas (Senior Manager Purchasing, Dürr), Rolf Bullinger (Lead Buyer, Dürr), Masakazu Kurita (General Manager, Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH), Marcus Löw (Manager Sales Department, Nabtesco Precision Europe GmbH), Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr) and Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr).

Category „Global Partner”

In the category „Global Partner” received Sova Liberec s.r.o. the award: (from left to right) Günter Schuster (Lead Buyer, Dürr), Jürgen Dörfeldt (Vice President Purchasing, Dürr), Josef Prskavec (Project Manager, Sova Liberec s.r.o.), Ondřej Ŝkorpil (CEO, Sova Liberec s.r.o.), Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr) and Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr).

Category “Innovation & Technology“

Sensitec GmbH won the award in the category “Innovation & Technology”: (from left to right) Christian Haastert (Director Purchasing and Materials Logistics, Schenck RoTec), Dr. Rolf Slatter (Managing Director, Sensitec GmbH), Uwe Stock (Manager Sales Office North West Germany, Sensitec GmbH), Ralph Heuwing (CFO, Dürr) und Patricia Steurer (Purchasing, Dürr).

Selection procedure

The nomination of partially based on the supplier assessments of the previous years which look at factors such as quality, service, and delivery reliability. In addition, Dürr drew up assessment benchmarks for the individual categories in the awards:

Supplier base

  • Only production-related equipment / services
  • Only suppliers of the German Dürr locations
  • Only A-Supplier for categories of “Quality & Reliability” and “Global Partner”, A-/B-Suppliers (if rated) in for the category “Innovation & Technology”
  • No competitive / black-listed suppliers