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Dürr China hosts Open House: Insights into the paint shop of the future

Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future

Shanghai, November 15, 2024 – Dürr China hosted an Open House event from November 12 to 15, 2024, under the theme “Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future”. Each day focused on different topics, from advancements in automotive painting and final assembly systems, as well as innovations in painting, gluing, and environmental technology for various industries. The focus of the first two days was Dürr’s “Paint Shop of the Future” concept, giving participants a firsthand look at the company’s latest painting technology advancements that increase efficiency, improve product quality, and support sustainable development goals.

Dürr's "Paint Shop of the Future" is designed to be flexible, intelligent, and scalable, tailored to meet specific requirements. The paint shop of the future breaks away from the traditional layouts used in the automotive industry, this new design introduces a modular concept, where body parts are painted in boxes rather than on a production line. These scalable boxes are ideal for a wide variety of component sizes and applications. With requirement-based process times instead of fixed cycle times, new models can be integrated with ease, increasing the plant’s overall availability. Combined with intelligent IIoT solutions, the Paint Shop of the Future can adapt to any production scenario. During the event, Dürr presented its latest breakthroughs in painting technology through detailed explanations, practical demonstrations, and interactive discussions, covering technologies from pretreatment to sealing and painting. 

Reinventing pretreatment and electrocoating
The new EcoProWet modular system is a flexible, scalable solution for body pretreatment and electrocoating, making these processes more efficient and flexible. Instead of large tanks, Dürr’s innovative system design uses compact chambers that save energy and materials, especially for small- to medium-scale production capacities. The EcoProWet system’s electrocoating module was shown for the first time at the Open House in China. 

No masking: Overspray-free paint application
EcoPaintJet technology enables cars to be painted in two colors fully automatically and without overspray. This solution combines Dürr's expertise in paint application, robotics, and software enabling roof painting in just 120 seconds and saving around 15 square meters of masking film. 

A quantum leap to efficiency: Atomizers generation 4
Dürr’s new atomizer generation sets new standards in sustainable production. Through technological innovation, the next-generation atomizer, the EcoBell4 HTE, achieves up to 98% efficiency in clear coat application. Compared to other products on the market, the EcoBell4, featuring a unique 4-main needle technology, reduces paint loss, solvent consumption, and VOC emissions by more than 50% during color changes. 

Advanced paint supply: Fast and efficient
Dürr's EcoSupply P is a standardized, modular paint supply system with pigging technology for both water- and solvent-based paint applications. Ideal for special paints and small-batch color production, EcoSupply P not only ensures an efficient color change process but also minimizes paint and solvent loss during color changes. 

100% automation: Closing the last gaps in sealing 
Dürr offers modular solutions for the application of high-viscosity materials, automating processes like vertical seam sealing, hem flange, underbody coating, rocker panel coating, or LASD application. The EcoSealJet fills the remaining gaps in sealing process with high precision. Other innovations such as the EcoJet AC or EcoSkive reduce rework needs.

From gas to e-power: Oven systems in brownfield and greenfield
The Ecopaint Oven modular system addresses gelling, flash-off, and curing processes with next generation technology. The EcoInCure electric oven, designed for zero-carbon production using green electricity, can save up to 50% of the energy compared to traditional gas-heated ovens. By utilizing a transverse body transport method, the length of the EcoInCure system can be nearly halved.

Enhanced flexibility with AGVs and modular work decks
The EcoProFleet driverless transport system, developed by Dürr specifically for paint shops, flexibly transports bodies ranging from compact cars to pickup trucks. The Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) excels when paired with Dürr’s new DXQ software products. Together, the hardware and software enable variable production layouts, optimized material flow, and maximum efficiency and scalability, complemented by modular work decks for quality control and reworking.

Feel the digital heartbeat of the paint shop
Dürr’s DXQ digital software suite is a fusion of IT and mechanical engineering with artificial intelligence and process expertise to increase overall equipment efficiency (OEE). With various software submodules, it meets the specific, diverse, and customized needs of factories, aiming to create high-performance digital network manufacturing solutions. The Dürr DXQ digital products offer tailored software solutions for factory operations, analysis, and control (MES).

Future-ready services for Brownfield and Greenfield Projects
Dürr is committed to customer satisfaction, providing professional support from project planning to commissioning and ongoing operations. The company offers comprehensive system analysis, capacity optimization, and production support services to help clients keep their facilities future-ready.

The two-day Dürr China Open House 2024 session on the Paint Shop of the Future attracted customers, integrators, partners, and media representatives from across China, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia giving them a chance to experience these revolutionary innovations firsthand.

Since its first oven installation for Volkswagen in Shanghai in 1983, Dürr has partnered with the Chinese automotive industry for over forty years. Initially focused on painting technology, this partnership now includes final assembly, sealing, and cleaning solutions highlighting Dürr's commitment to quality and innovation.

In the future, Dürr will continue collaborating with partners to jointly address new challenges and seize new opportunities.

Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future!

  • With the EcoProWet modular system, cleaning fluid flows into the flooding chamber from a buffer tank.

  • EcoProBooth enables both interior and exterior painting of vehicle bodies within the same booth.

  • The EcoPaintJet technology makes it possible for the first time to paint cars fully automatically in two colors without causing overspray.

  • From compact cars to pick-up trucks, the EcoProFleet driverless transport system transports bodies with great flexibility.