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  • Installed Ecopure® RTO

Effectively applying the right Air Pollution Control in the diverse printing and coating industry

Bietigheim-Bissingen, 30 September 2011 –Because of extreme variations in both pollutant composition and concentration in the exhaust air across the different processes, the printing and coating industry places numerous requirements for air pollution compliance. Possessing an extensive product portfolio and customer-specific solutions, whether printing cigarette packs, laminating film, or coating special film, Dürr Systems GmbH can offer the right air pollution control system.

For small and large exhaust air volumes, for low and high pollutant loads – air pollution is effectively controlled with the process of regenerative thermal oxidation. Various plant designs ensure that the rights parameters are in place for each application.

Ecopure CTO: the specialist for small and medium exhaust air volumes
Many industrial operations with low to medium exhaust volumes are looking for an economical solution to reduce their process exhaust emissions.  To better meet these types of needs, Dürr has developed a more compact version of their Ecopure® RTO (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer) called the Ecopure® CTO (Compact Thermal Oxidizer).  The CTO, designed for small exhaust air flows and minimum space requirements, combines very low capital and operating costs with maximum flexibility in numerous industries.  To further reduce costs and increase functionality, all Ecopure® CTOs come preassembled, making installation and commissioning straight forward and cost effective.  Continual improvements and developments by Dürr engineers have increased the maximum exhaust air volume of the CTO from 15,000 Nm3/h upwards to 30,000 Nm3/h.  Now, this affordable alternative for standard applications can be applied to even larger process air volumes.

Because of the addition of a new rotogravure machine to print cigarette packs at its site in Königsbrunn in October 2011, A&R Carton GmbH also had to expand its air pollution control to accommodate for the additional process volume it will be adding.  A&R chose to go with Dürr’s Ecopure® CTO.  The scope of delivery from Dürr contains the complete air pollution control technology, which includes a single system consisting of combustion chamber, ceramic heat exchanger material, control panel, fan and clean air duct. Since commissioning is largely independent of the production process in the print shop, and the existing ventilation systems require only minor adjustments, the entire process from initial purchase order to commissioning and start-up will take just four months. Maintenance and servicing of the system is just as simple as commissioning, and A&R will benefit from the CTO’s low energy consumption and high removal efficiency.

RTO technology: For large exhaust air volumes and high process loads
For industrial operations with medium to large exhaust air volumes and high pollutant concentrations, Dürr continues to offer its thermal oxidation technology, the Ecopure® RTO (also called RNV). This system also enables the safe control of polluted air laden with more complex substances such as plasticizers or silicon.

RTO technology is highly efficient but also offers various possibilities for heat recovery and process integration. Orafol Europe GmbH, a leading manufacturer of self-adhesive films, adhesive tape systems, and reflective materials, has just commissioned another Dürr Ecopure® RTO for one of their process facilities, now a total of 5 installed in Germany and the USA combined. The design of the new RTO focused on the best possible use of the system’s energy. A combination of separator, heat exchanger, and RTO ensures that the heated, cleaned exhaust air can also be used after the combustion process to heat thermal oil and hot water. The thermal oil in turn heats the ovens in their production, while the hot water is used to heat their buildings and preheat the supply air. Using secondary heat recovery methods such as this is the perfect way to integrate the important element of air pollution control into production. A programmed interface between production and RTO control ensures a constant exchange of information and the adaptation to changing production conditions.

Ecopure® TAR for Unique Applications
Because their exhaust air contains a great amount of plasticizers, which are used in the production of vinyl wallpapers, the wallpaper industry is a special case for air pollution control in the coating industry.  As it would be too expensive to pre-treat the exhaust air flow properly, the use of an efficient and effective recuperative thermal oxidizer, known as the Ecopure® TAR from Dürr (also called TNV), is recommended for this cleaning process. Dürr is currently working on the third consecutive Ecopure® TAR order for a large wallpaper manufacturer in the Ukraine.

Because of the diversity of processes in the printing and coating industry, one type of thermal process does not fit all.  Dürr provides the necessary knowledge and large product portfolio to adeptly match a customer’s process with the most cost efficient and effective air pollution control system.