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  • Dry overspray separation EcoDry X by Dürr

MAN using the latest Dürr painting technology for its cabs

Bietigheim-Bissingen, 30 November 2016 – Dürr is installing its innovative EcoDry X dry separation system in truck manufacturer MAN’s new paint shop for truck cabs in Munich now for the first time in Germany. EcoDry X is a semi-automatic system based on cardboard filter technology.

Dürr's scope of delivery includes complete system configuration, conveyor technology, pre-cleaning, sealing, and painting stations as well as the associated application technology complete with paint and PVC delivery. “With this concept, we are supplying a highly efficient system where the customers benefit from our consistent components,” says Dürr Global Customer Director for Trucks, Andrea Klein, explaining the reasons behind the company’s selection as the system supplier. 

Integrated application technology for sealing and paint application, identical robot platforms for pre-cleaning and sealing as well as the standardized controller technology not only reduce the variety of spare parts, but also simplify all future maintenance tasks. Needing just one service technician for all applications means top efficiency both for MAN as the plant operator and for Dürr as the technology supplier. “Having the same operating software for all applications also significantly reduces the training costs for the plant operators,” adds Andrea Klein, explaining the benefits of the concept.

Dürr’s scope of delivery starts with pre-cleaning. Two robots of the type EcoRS 210 remove the dust and dirt particles from the bodies using blade brushes prior to painting. The tried-and-tested brushes from the passenger car segment can adapt very flexibly to the contours of the body, and are being used for the first time for truck cabs in the Munich plant. 

Four EcoRS 30 robots are used in the PVC line. They apply roof and underbody seams and seal welded seams inside the body. This prevents water and moisture getting into the cab. The robots are equipped with the flexible applicator EcoGun 3D, which can apply the material at three different application angles of 0, 45, and 90 degrees. Up to three nozzles for different seam thicknesses are integrated in the Dürr applicator in the 3D version. “The standardized EcoGun 3D is suitable for all fields of application in seam sealing,” says Andrea Klein, describing the benefits of the applicator. “This means that it is not necessary to stock spare parts for multiple models.”

The scope of delivery also includes a line for sealing the door sill. The quality standards at this station are particularly high, since incorrectly executed seams are visible when the door is opened. Suitable fine seam nozzles are therefore used for applying these visible seams.

The underbody, the interiors of the doors, and the exterior of the bodies are painted in the third primer booth by a total of four EcoRP robots. If necessary, the top coat can also be applied in the booths using the same robots and the application technology installed on them. 

The atomizers from the EcoBell3 series with external charging are used in combination with the color changer EcoMCC3 and the metering pump EcoPump9 for painting the interiors of the doors and the exterior of the body. The application technology offers impressively short color change times and low paint consumption. The atomizers can apply the water-based paint with improved efficiency and to the highest quality standards without the need for complex potential separation systems. The compact form of the EcoBell3 Ci in particular means that it can reach all the interior surfaces of the body with ease. The spray jet can be focused, and overspray and self-contamination are noticeably reduced. 

Even though state-of-the-art application technology means that the amount of overspray is constantly being reduced, an efficient separation system for the overspray is extremely important. That is why the EcoDry X, the semi-automatic variant of the dry separation system and the newest addition to the Dürr separator family, is being used at MAN – for the first time in Germany. EcoDry X is a multi-stage filter system comprising filter trolley and final filter stage. The disposable filter boxes made of cardboard can be easily replaced thanks to the filter trolley – even during production. An additional feature being used here is the filter replacement concept based on RFID and a database for optimum utilization of the filter boxes. Like the tried-and-tested EcoDryScrubber, the EcoDry X does not use any water or chemicals either. 

The first cabs will be painted on the new paint line in the Munich plant from September 2017.