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HOMAG increases production quality with automated gluing technology

Dürr products for adhesive processing used outside the automotive industry for the first time

Bietigheim-Bissingen/Holzbronn, September 4, 2024 - HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH, based in Holzbronn, in incorporating adhesive processing products from its sister company Dürr to build vacuum tables for its SAWTEQ saws. This marks a new approach for both HOMAG, an expert in the woodworking industry, and Dürr, a machine and plant manufacturer. Until now, Dürr's adhesive dispensing technology has been exclusively utilized within the automotive sector. The company has now enhanced its products and processes, expanding their applicability to a wider range of industries.

Dürr, a leading mechanical and plant manufacturer, has extensive experience in the areas of body-in-white, final assembly, and battery assembly. As of this year, the company's gluing applications have been expanded to other industries as well. Particularly in general industry, the use of dosing technology for component joining presents challenges for various applications. Dürr addresses these challenges with a modular product system featuring standardized operating software, providing top-notch gluing technology. "We are pleased that we were able to win HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH. as a reference project," stated Fabian Schilt, Head of the European Industrial Sales Team at Dürr. "Through the synergies within the Dürr Group, we have successfully introduced automotive application products to the wood industry."

Dürr gluing technology offers enhanced application quality 
HOMAG’s horizontal panel dividing saws deliver precise, cost-effective, and adaptable panel cutting for customers in both craft and industry. The air cushion tables facilitate effortless and secure handling of parts during processing. Previously, the table tops were manually screwed onto the sheet metal housing and further sealed with silicone. "To enhance repetition accuracy and improve application quality, such as achieving the right surface flatness, we opted to automate the process using Dürr products," explains Dennis König, Project Manager Industrial Engineering at HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH. The installation of the EcoRam drum press for material supply, the EcoShot Meter as a dosing unit, and the EcoGun2 PVA04 as an applicator is currently underway. The entire system is regulated via the new EcoHVMP4 pump and metering control unit. The automation solution is scheduled for commissioning in early 2025.

Seamless product integration thanks to HVMP4 standard 
As part of the HOMAG project, Dürr is introducing its new EcoHVC4 operating software for the first time. Until now, system control was strictly project-oriented, with software customized for each system on a project-specific basis. The HVMP4 standard shifts the focus to individual components, which can be combined via standardized interfaces. Customers have the flexibility to choose from a range of Dürr adhesive products tailored to their specific preferences and needs. The system allows for seamless integration of the components, with each product undergoing comprehensive testing to ensure a streamlined process flow.

During the HOMAG Treff event in Schopfloch from September 24 to 27, Dürr will showcase its range of painting and gluing products tailored for the wood and furniture industry.

  • HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH uses Dürr gluing products to build the vacuum tables for its SAWTEQ saws.

  • The electric piston dispenser EcoShot Meter doses the material very precisely, regardless of influences from the material supply.

  • The EcoGun2 PVA04 applies the adhesive.