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Dürr China hosts Open House: insights into the future of NEXT.assembly

Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future

Shanghai, November 15, 2024 – Dürr China hosted an Open House from November 12 to 15, 2024, under the theme “Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future”. Each day focused on different topics, from innovations in painting and final assembly systems for automotive production to advancements in painting, gluing, and environmental technology across industries. The third day spotlighted the future of NEXT.assembly, showcasing Dürr’s latest innovations in final assembly.

Dürr is setting new standards in efficiency with NEXT.assembly by focusing on the entire final assembly line rather than individual components. This end-to-end approach addresses future challenges integrating conveyor, gluing, marriage, filling and testing systems, with digital solutions for the intelligent management of the entire production process. Dürr also provides comprehensive consulting for the advance planning of greenfield and brownfield assembly lines. The modular system can be tailored to include individual components or offer a complete one-stop solution, creating customer synergies through streamlined communication, expert knowledge, fewer interfaces, and a global presence.

Empowering operations: Rethinking conveyor technology
The ProFleet product family includes a range of Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) specifically designed for final assembly workshops needs. AGVs are driverless transport systems that can move vehicle bodies, materials, and other goods with ease. Dürr’s ProFleet product family offers different sizes and models, providing solutions that fulfill a wide variety of customer requirements. With 360° maneuverability, ProFleet AGVs replace fixed conveyor technology, enabling a ‘pitless’ concept for trim and final lines when used with another Dürr innovation, the Automated Guided Carrier (AGC), known as ProLiner. These are mobile steel construction modules with integrated hangers powered by battery electrification. Together, ProLiner and ProFleet bring revolutionary changes to the chassis line, a central part of manufacturing with numerous special requirements. ProLiner’s ability to move freely combines the benefits of traditional chassis lines while seamlessly integrating into existing production lines.

Gluing Skyroof: modular systems for customized solutions
This solution caters to customers' individualized demands for production efficiency, equipment cost, and product quality. It includes turn-key gluing cells, gluing products, two sets of robotic gluing cells with high-precision glue pattern detection, and semi-automatic manipulator loading to the station and insertion on the production line. Additionally, Dürr offers virtual commissioning services to verify equipment process and programming within the software, ensuring smooth and efficient production. Dürr also introduces a range of highly automated innovative technologies, such as automatic windshield bonding and assembly line tracking for side window bonding and insertion, which significantly boost production efficiency.

Established reliability: Precise filling with high accuracy
The Somac®  BlueStart filling system from Dürr is especially designed for low production volumes, longer cycle times, and top-quality filling. It reliably fills all fluids and gases in a vehicle, including brake fluid, refrigerant, coolant, PAS, motor and gearbox oil. This system is particularly suited for vehicle semi knocked-down or completely knocked down vehicle assembly plants, rework areas, make-to-order productions, development areas, and pilot plants. Equipped with rollers, BlueStart can be used in both fixed and mobile applications. It is also user friendly, with high usability and easy maintenance.

Advanced technology: Precise testing and proven performance
With its modular x-wheel alignment stand, Dürr offers a system that delivers the highest precision in chassis measurement, wheel alignment, and headlamp adjustment. The x-3Dsurface sensor provides highly reliable, non-contact chassis geometry measurement using structured LED light. Dürr’s new optical steering wheel balancer, the x-3Dbalancer, enables non-contact steering wheel position measurement, creating ideal conditions for automated testing without manual operation or handling errors. With the x-light headlamp measuring and setting system, Dürr ensures highly accurate and reproducible test and adjustment results, supporting reliable semi- or fully automated adjustment of low- and high-beams and fog lamps. Combined with the x-wheel alignment stand, this system adjusts lamps based on wheel geometry data into account.

Revolutionary road: Highest safety for autonomous driving
As autonomous driving becomes essential, Dürr’s Vehicle-in-the-Loop setup, x-proof 360, enables synchronized testing of ADAS and autonomous functions. By combining real and simulated environments, this system ensures comprehensive safety testing for future automated vehicles.

All in one testing: Combining today's expertise with tomorrow's demands
The x-combined is the world's first test stand to integrate wheel alignment with brake and sensor testing. Depending on the respective cycle time, headlamp adjustment and driver assistance system calibration can also be included. 
The testing and adjustment process can be fully automated or manual, including vehicle transport. Special features include a distinct wheel support that combines the wheel alignment stand with the brake/sensor test stand. The x-combined offers several significant advantages, including eliminating the need for a pit and reducing space requirements, making it essential for increased flexibility in future assembly shops.

Smart up: Maximizing production efficiency with DXQ
The DXQ software solutions enable full transparency throughout the entire value chain. They consolidate all equipment insights together into various software features. One example is the closed loop of the product, which allows manufacturers to access the production data from rear axle stations to end of line. This gives operators a complete overview of live production data from various stations. This data is accessible through a browser and can be viewed from any device, anywhere in the world.

At the Dürr China Open House 2024, participants learned about Dürr's innovations and outstanding achievements in final assembly technology. These solutions not only significantly simplify the final assembly process but also drive advancements in production efficiency and product quality. Dürr's attention to detail and careful refinement of each step demonstrates its vision and commitment to ‘assembling every car in the world in the most efficient way.’ The event was attended by customers, integrators, partners and media representatives from China, Southeast Asia, South Korea and Japan.

Since installing its first oven for Volkswagen in Shanghai in 1983, Dürr has partnered with the Chinese automotive industry for over forty years. While initially focused on painting technology, this partnership now includes final assembly, sealing, and cleaning solutions, highlighting Dürr's commitment to excellence in craftsmanship and product quality.

In the future, Dürr will continue collaborating with partners to jointly address new challenges and seize new opportunities.

Feel the Innovative Spirit of the Future!

  • The Automated Guided Carrier (AGC), the so-called ProLiner, moves steel construction modules with integrated hangers based on battery electrification.

  • Dürr’s optical steering wheel balancer x-3Dbalancer enables non-contact measurement of the steering wheel position.

  • The x-combined is the world's first combined test stand on which both wheel alignment as well as a brake and sensor testing can be carried out.