Corporate Governance
Detailed information on corporate governance at the Dürr Group can be found here.
Information on targets and implementation of women’s quotas at Dürr AG (Group holding company) can be found here.
Targets and implementation of women’s quotas at Dürr Systems AG:
Supervisory Board
As of June 30, 2022, the Supervisory Board of Dürr Systems AG consisted of 3 men; the target for the women’s quota was 0. The Supervisory Board confirmed this target in June 2022. The deadline for meeting the target is June 30, 2027.
At the time of the resolution, the Supervisory Board was composed of two shareholder representatives and one employee representative. The shareholder representatives come from the Board of Management of Dürr AG or the first senior management level below the Board of Management. Both of these management levels only had male members at the time of the resolution.
As soon as one of the two management levels has a female member, the Supervisory Board will also aim to encourage her to work on the company’s Supervisory Board. In addition, it will be checked whether a female candidate will stand for election as employee representative. However, the candidate’s suitability for the role will ultimately be the deciding factor
Board of Management
As of June 30, 2022, the Board of Management of Dürr Systems AG consisted of 4 men; the target for the women’s quota was 0. The Supervisory Board confirmed this target in June 2022. The period for achieving the target runs from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2027.
In its current composition, the Board of Management has a broad range of expertise and the necessary skills to lead Dürr Systems AG into a successful future. The Board of Management is to support the implementation of the predefined growth strategy over the next few years. Continuity in the composition of the management team is seen as a key success factor in this. The Supervisory Board believes that the current Board of Management, with its knowledge and experience, is in an excellent position to support a profitable growth strategy in the medium term. The Board of Management’s age structure allows for its composition to remain the same beyond the maximum target period of 5 years.
If there is a change within the Board of Management before the target achievement date, the Supervisory Board will consider both female and male candidates and, in the case of identical qualifications, it will favor the appointment of a woman. However, the decision will ultimately be based on qualifications alone.
First and second senior management levels below the Board of Management
As of June 30, 2022, the first senior management level below the Board of Management of Dürr Systems AG consisted of 27 men and 2 women (women’s quota: 6.9%), thus fulfilling the 3.1% target for the women’s quota at the first senior management level. As of June 30, 2022, the second senior management level consisted of 70 men and 6 women (women’s quota: 6.6%). The 6.1% target for the women’s quota at the second senior management level was thus also fulfilled. The Board of Management decided in June 2022 that, going forward, the first senior management level below the Board of Management should have 3 female members and the second senior management level should have 7 female members. The deadline for achieving these targets is June 30, 2027.